
New Show

LA MANÉKINE (march 2024 creation), or the remaking of an old medieval tale told with all possible fireworks.

More Information


New Film from Leos Carax “C’est pas moi” coming out the 12 of June 2024.
La Pendue & Baby Annette on the red carpet at Cannes Festival (18.05.2024).



7 February et 2 march 2024 – MARTIN KASPAR ORKESTAR – Villard-Bonnot (F)

Le 7 février à 18h, le 2 mars à 16h et 17h.
Maison Berges
Martin Kaspar Orkestar

PREMIERE! 26-28 March 2024 – LA MANEKINE – Théâtre de Poche, Grenoble (F)

19 April 2024 – LA MANEKINE –  Boze Wolf Festival à Aarschot (Belgium)

 20 and 21 April 2024 – POLI DEGAINE & MARTIN KASPAR ORKESTAR – Festival des arts de la rue de Huy – Belgium

3 Mai 2024 – LA MANEKINE –   Espace Culturel René Proby, St Martin d’Hères en Scène (F)

9 & 12 Mai 2024 – TRIA FATA –   Festival de teatre de Teresetes – Maiorca & Minorca Espana

7-9 June 2024 – MARTIN KASPAR ORKESTAR – Asfaltart – Merano IT

14/15 June 2024 – POLI DEGAINE –   Théâtre Halles Roublot – Fontenay-sous-Bois (F)

29 June 2024 – POLI DEGAINE –   Festival Le P’tit Poucet à Liège (Belgium)

3,4 July 2024 – MARTIN KASPAR ORKESTAR – Theaterfestival Burgdorf, Bern (Suisse)

20 & 21 July 2024 – MARTIN KASPAR ORKESTAR – ALLES MUSS RAUS Festival  – Kaiserslautern (Germany)

5-8 September 2024 – LA MANEKINE –   At.tension Festival – Lärz (Germany)

13 September 2024 – TRIA FATA – TPZ – Lingen (Germany)

25 October 2024 – LA MANEKINE –   L’Amphithéâtre de Pont de Claix (France)

30 October – 2 November 2024 – LA MANEKINE –   Figurentheater im Waaghaus – Winterthur (Switzerland)

9 & 10 November 2024 – LA MANEKINE –   Festival MarioNEttes – Neuchâtel (Switzerland)

6 December 2024 – LA MANEKINE –  Train Théâtre – Porte-lès-Valence (France)